Swami Sureshanandaji former President of Mysuru Ashrama was a great lover of plants. During his tenure in Mysuru Ashrama he literally transformed the campus of Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala into a green mini forest by planting several varities of plants, some of which were rare once to the city. In memory of the Swami, Mysuru Ashrama decided to distribute 25,000 plant saplings, ornamental to large trees, freely among the citizens of Mysuru. The programme was initiated on 27 September 2020. The distribution was arranged at the following four different places in Mysuru city with a view to reach the plants to all corners; Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala, Sri Ramakrishna Vidyakendra and at Viveka Smaraka in the heart of the city. The overwhelming response of the citizens compelled the Ashrama to extend the free distribution programme till the end of November 2020. The programme was conducted with the help of volunteers, students, devotees and well-wishers.We are happy to record that the Ashrama distributed freely 41,209 plant saplings to 6785 citizens of Mysuru.
As an extension programme the Ashrama freely gave away 6000 copies of ‘VivekaPrabha’, the Kannada Monthly of the Ramakrishna Order. 5000 copies of the book ‘Sphoorti” (containing a biography of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda). The latter was given to encourage the public to know about the Divine Trio. The family members of the recipients were requested to participate in an open written quiz competition on the Divine Trio.
The concluding function of the Green Mysuru Programme was held on 28 February 2021 at the Sabhangana of the Ashrama. Sri Rahul Agarwal, Divisional Railway Manager, Mysuru Division was the Chief Guest. Sri Shashi Kumar, Additional Commissioner, Mysuru City Corporation, was the Guest of 2 Honour. Swami Muktidananda, Adhyaksha, Mysuru Ashrama Chaired the function.
The winners of the Quiz Competition, (first, second and third along with 27 special prize winners) were given a Memento and Ashrama literature. 100 Volunteers who offered laudable services for 2 months were felicitated and were given books on Sri Sarada Devi and Hindu Dharma. 25 garden workers who worked relentlessly for the success of Green Mysuru Programme were honoured on the occasion.
Prize Winner's List