Inauguration of “Srimat Sureshananda-Yatishwar Hall” on the first floor of the Ramakrishna Kutira at B R Hills took place on Wednesday, 8th December, 2021. On this occasion Gurumaharaj puja, Homa, Gana Homa and bhajans were performed. About 450 people attended the event, including 150 local tribal p...
Blog tagged as B R Hills
Puja at Ramakrishna Kutira, B R Hills
Puja at Ramakrishna Kutira, B R Hills
Inauguration of “Srimat Sureshananda-Yatishwar Hall” on the first floor of the Ramakrishna Kutira at B R Hills took place on Wednesday, 8th December, 2021. On this occasion Gurumaharaj puja, Homa, Gana Homa and bhajans were performed. About 450 people attended the event, including 150 local tribal p...
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